The Paulo Freire Institute in Zejtun was set up by the Maltese Jesuits to promote literacy and community development.
The aim of the Paulo Freire Institute is to empower, and promote the self-development, self-confidence and the talents (including functional literacy) of each and every individual, especially the vulnerable in society.
For this reason our Institute applies three interrelated approaches: community development, formal and non-formal education and community social work.
The following are the main activities presently carried out at the Institute:
- Reading club and Story-telling for primary school children
- Forum theatre for parents
- Non-Formal Educational Activities for children & youths (Music, Drama, Home Economics)
- Literacy for adults and youths Programme
- Social Work
- Systemic Family Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Dramatherapy
- Art Therapy
- Other miscellaneous formative activities